Most of construction inspection processes will have the main steps as follows;
· Material quality inspection
· Monitoring and controlling working procedures
· Monitoring workload and work progress status
· Check-in & check-out work site locations
· Monitoring and controlling workers on-site
Even though there are many steps in the construction work, the important key is to manage and control quality at every steps. Each processes of control & inspection uses different forms.
For construction inspectors, avoiding overwhelming duties are not possible. The Online Form will help the work of construction inspectors And all involved persons Work more conveniently & faster, which we can't overlook this tools.
For BETABUTE can handle over 100 construction standards inspection and quality control forms, which can be brought up real time & online quality control forms, which can be brought up real time & online When task is created the ticket, the online forms will be attached to each step of the processes. After voice acknowledging the incoming task, the onsite engineer will complete the online forms for inspecting construction quality at construction site on PC or mobile. After finish inspection, the engineers will upload the forms to BTB cloud system, which is not neccessary to fill up the forms at the back-office later.
Corporate data is stored in a single database so information can be retrieved in real time and online such as working team, tasks ticket, customer data, contact details, etc.
How BETABUTE Online Form can help the businesses. Below is the explanation.
As we used to prepare a paper questionnaire, there are various limitations such as time-consuming, and a large number of documents copying the information, etc. Your businesses can prepare the online questionnaire forms that will help reduce these problems.
BTB Online Form it has many can handle the details of unlimited fields to suit the purpose of work.
Different organizations & different departments, Documentations serveForm different purposes. Online Forms can be modified or defined to fit the purposes of your organization.
Those make organization more flexible to complete all works.
Online forms can be modified into organizational forms such as job display forms, QC forms, inspection forms and questionaire forms. A form in which users can attach additional documents or image files to make them more understandable.
It is easy to export data files from Betabute by just one click
More than that, pictures, attachments, online forms, and VDOs are organized in the company's online database for easy search and easy access
It can be seen that "Online Form" gives business a lot of benefits being able to serve in different purposes. For example, the marketing department can use online form making an online questionnaire. The sales department can use online form to keep their customer behavior data or customer satisfaction questionnaire. there are many forms in organization that can use such as quality control work, various audit tasks, the suggestion questionnaire to improve the service, the product receipt job, etc.
After clicking the E-Form icon, the system will display the related questionnaire that we customized for user.
User can just answer all required field, take pictures or video to the file. Saving the E-form after completion, the system will automatically attach to the task related. Job done !!!
For the multiple questionaire, BTB E-Form can customize multiple answers too. Giving the online form more creditbility, business can use a digital signatures for the document too.
In conclusion, creating BTB Online Form in Betabute will varies on task purposes. Online Forms in Betabute can create both comments opinion and multiple choices questions. You can notes or remark in questions to give more describtion. Greatly reduces your working time, Easier for User Interface.
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